And how it can be as enjoyable as going to an actual shop!

A hexagon cardigan, in beige and brown, laying flat on a bed with a very unimpressed cat in the background!

Last week, I posted about the Wondrous Journey of Making and the hexagon cardigan I had recently made for myself using yarn I already had in my ‘yarn stash’.

I’ve seen many memes doing the rounds on social media saying something like ‘crocheting and buying yarns are two completely separate hobbies’ and this is very true.

Over time, I have made the mistake of buying yarn (not sure buying ANY yarn is really a mistake but there you go!) without having a project in mind to use it.

You know the thing – you go into a shop and you see the perfect yarn. And you decide to buy it with the idea that you’ll find a project to fit it later.

But you don’t.

As a result, I have ended up with a yarn stash, much of it consisting of lots of individual balls of wool that don’t really go with each other. There’s definitely not enough of one type, in the same shade to make anything substantial such as a cardigan or jumper.

A chest of drawers at the bottom of the image, on top of which are stacked several clear plastic boxes containing lots and lots of different coloured yarns.

So every time you want to make something that requires a batch of matching yarn, you can’t really use anything from your stash and end up having to buy more!

The stash keeps sitting there, looking at you as you open ANOTHER delivery from your favourite shop.

I couldn’t take the judgmental stares any longer and made 2 decisions:

Stop buying yarn unless it was for a specific project

Use yarn from my stash and find patterns that would allow me to do that.

So far everything I’ve made this year has been from my stash, starting with the hexagon cardigan I shared with you last week and everything in the photos below, including another granny hexagon cardigan in the most beautiful colours.

And it feels really good. It’s almost like going to a shop to buy yarn, but even better as I can do it in my pyjamas and I can really take my time!


Do you have a yarn stash? Are you trying to work through it?

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