Or Why it Would Be Sensible Not to Take New Listing Photos in a Heatwave!

Here, in the UK, it is hot this week. Many of you worldwide will wonder why this is a big deal, and you would be correct to wonder. We are just going through another heatwave, not as hot as the one last month which prompted the Met Office, for the first time ever, to issue a ‘red’ weather warning, meaning there was a danger to life. But, we are still being forecast temperatures in the low to mid 30’s.

However, we Brits are not built for this weather in our defence. We’re just not used to it and neither is our infrastructure. We have very little air conditioning in residential or business premises; we have carpets in our homes; most buildings are designed to keep heat in; we don’t have pools to dive into and cool down; and even at night-time, the temperature doesn’t drop dramatically and humidity actually increases, so sleeping is difficult.

During the previous heatwave, I sensibly chose to crochet on regardless through the heat and spent time working on some new items and ideas. But this, I decided to re-do all of my current Etsy listing photographs, as well as getting photos for my new items – you might just spot a couple of them in the photos below.

Completely the opposite of sensible!

But, I’m now starting to edit them and I have to say, I’m pretty pleased with my new layouts and backgrounds.

What do you think?

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